Volunteering: Free tuition for children

As we started looking around for opportunities to volunteer in Vienna, we found a wonderful organisation called Learntafel (https://www.lerntafel.at/wien/) that offered free tuition to kids in need. Kathi and I went to that organisation and talked to the people about our interest in volunteering with them. After speaking to them, we loved their approach to offering help. Sam signed up to teach English and Kathi signed up to teach German and English.

We used to teach on Saturdays. Waking up in the morning on a Saturday and taking a 45 minute bicycle ride each way was motivated by the joy we used to have after spending two hours with those kids. We taught those kids some German and English but at the same time we feel that we are learning a lot more from the experience.

Image Source: https://www.lerntafel.at/wien/
