Meeting again!!

Interesting story :) After we met in Kotor and spent the next 10 days together traveling around Montenego and Kosovo, we were not sure when we were going to see each other again. Kathi went back to Belgrade, Serbia as she was studying Serbia there and Sam stayed in Kosovo to continue his backpacking. It was only one day after we separated, we started missing each other, and we decided to Skype. After talking and realising that we are not ready to be apart, we decided to be together again, but this time without an end date. Kathi came back to Kosovo the next day taking a 13 hour bus ride and going through some interesting challenges while crossing the border between Serbia and Kosovo. Finally we met again two days after we separated, but this time to be with each other forever :)

Our visit to Prizren Fortress during our first 10 days together 

Our meeting again in Prizren, Kosovo two days after we seperated
