The Conscience Virus

Coronavirus has taken over the world and made most of us stay at home in isolation either voluntarily or by imposed isolation. Even though this is a pandemic, it also presented a rare opportunity for most of us to take time and listen to our conscience and restructure our lives for future. This is an article we wrote about the possibilities this virus and the isolation has opened up for all of us.

How the novel coronavirus opened the doors for humanity to pay attention to their conscience
The novel coronavirus (COVID -19) disease has taken over the world in the past few months and affected almost every aspect of life for almost every person on this planet. The last known situation where the whole world went into such large-scale lockdown was possibly during the second world war.

The statistics are still evolving, but the key symptoms of coronavirus disease seem to be fever, tiredness, and dry cough. In severe cases the patients suffered shortness of breath. The virus seems to spread when a person touches a surface or object that has the virus on it, then touches their eyes, nose, or mouth.

Research is still underway about how long the virus might survive on which type of surfaces, and whether the lifespan of the virus changes with temperature. The current statistics show that about 80% of people recover without needing any treatment. The virus seems to be posing more risk to elderly people above 65 years of age and to those with pre-existing health conditions like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, asthma and other chronic health conditions.

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Countries around the world have taken unprecedented measures
Countries around the world have taken steps to restrict the movement of people and discourage all circumstances that spread the virus. This has made most of the world population stay indoors, at their homes, for extended periods of time, which most of us never did before.

Why are we affected so adversely?
Most of us have created a world and lifestyle that revolves around the economics of our lives. Even though a long time ago, humans discovered that our basic needs are “food, clothing, and shelter”, over time, we continued to increase the standards of these things so they became more and more expensive. We want our food to be better looking and fashionable not just hygienic and healthy, we want our clothing to be branded, fashionable, and of high quality passing through many standards not just protect us from the effects of weather, and we want our homes not just to protect from extreme weather conditions and provide us a safe space, we want them to bigger, as sophisticated as possible, and we want our possessions, gadgets, and luxuries to be as diverse as possible, and have as many of them as possible to fill our homes and storage units. To support this lifestyle, we started working more to be able to make more money, and this in turn reduced the time we had on our hand. Due to lack of time we started fully outsourcing our responsibilities of health to doctors, our kids education to schools, our career to our employers, and choosing healthy food options to the markets. Interestingly we found comfort and company in doing all of this.

We are taking on more and more identities to feel worthy
At the same time, we started creating a lot of identities for ourselves, about who we are, our likes and dislikes, and a hierarchy for everything around us. The language that we speak and the language that is used everywhere on the internet and the printed medium is a good indicator of how many micro identities we have created and how much we feel forced to rank everything. Many can’t say a single sentence without using the words — good, bad, like, dislike (hate), favourite, best, or better. We have to judge and rank everything. Almost everyone who is in this race of building a better life than they have has the constant fear of what might happen if they loose their ranking and loose their identities. Even though we took on most of these identities and judgements over time, not by birth, we tend to believe that this is who we have always been. This made us work hard and keep moving forward and focus on getting ahead of others.

This is the nature of the current world and people’s current behaviour

This is not a judgement towards who we became but an acknowledgement that we made our lives very complicated and sophisticated, and our lives are being driven by our fears, likes, dislikes, and need to rank everything around us and try to stay in the race and work very hard to get to the top. We hardly ever took time to pause and think about why we are doing what we are doing.
Development and wellbeing of the world is being measured with GDP
Also with the countries adopting the model to measure their country’s development using GDP and economic health, the need for countries to make their people consume more has become a requirement to achieve their yearly target GDP % growth. Every aspect of our life has been tweaked to get in-line with the economics of the country — be it marketing, supply chain processes, retail stores, stock exchanges, food production and supply, food preparation & food consumption, education system, product development, vaccine recommendations, and everything else we can imagine. Everything has to encourage people to consume more or it should cause less disruption to the economic growth. With so much support for this model, people around the world felt free to consume more, waste more, make more money, spend more money, and fulfil their desire to head towards the top of the ranking of everything. This is a win-win situation for the economy and the identities people have taken on.

The coronavirus pandemic put a forced pause on this way of living

The coronavirus has put a hold on our robotic way of living where we had very little time to think about what we were doing and why. As the isolation protocols are getting tighter and longer, people are being forced into staying at home and spending more time with their loved ones. Schools are closed, offices are closed, shopping malls and theatres are closed, public and private transportation is largely closed, and meetings in-person are discouraged. The only things people are left with are the people they live with, their cable TV, their phone connection, and their internet connection. Most of the countries have stopped their economic machines. We are forced to disconnect from the race to the top. Now what do we do with our identities and our need to be in the race to the top?
Now the real opportunity begins where people have to deal with themselves and their real needs
People are now forced to find joy again only in the basic needs, “food, clothing, and shelter.” Everything else is now put on hold. Now we have time to listen to our inner voice and think about what we really want in life, why we were doing what we were doing, and the bigger questions about the purpose of our life.

Now we have time to spend with our partners, our parents, and those who live with us. We can spend more time with our children and learn about their lives. We can share our knowledge with our kids about cooking, cleaning, fixing, and repairing. We can learn new things from our partners, parents, and kids. We can start making phone calls to people whom we didn’t have time to contact in the past. The good news is, they will most probably also be home to take your call. Meditate and do yoga asanas if that interests you. Find ways to improve your immune system by eating healthy and doing exercise. If you always ate out at restaurants, it’s time to learn to cook your own meals and experiment with recipes. Take time to think about your work, your boss, and your career. Ponder if this is the work you want to continue doing after all this is over. Rethink all your expenses and see if you really want your life to be so expensive that it requires you to work so hard and long. Reconnect with your value system, be it a religious practice, spiritual practice, or something else. Read books (online). Learn new skills online. And if possible, do absolutely nothing for a few days and see what ideas and thoughts were hidden under your busy lifestyle.

This is a rare opportunity to listen to your conscience, which was forcefully given to us, possibly for the first time in our lives.

Like every other major war or pandemic humanity had faced in the past, we will survive the coronavirus pandemic as well and we will come out strong and wise by the time this is all over; however, it is only possible if we take this immense opportunity to listen to our inner voice that we never had time to listen to and do something about that voice.

Resources for Coronavirus:
