Final goodbye to Innsbruck and Europe

After having a wonderful time in Spain and Portugal, we made a short visit to Innsbruck to meet friends and family one more time before we left Europe. We also wanted to do all the paperwork  regarding the fact that we were no longer going to stay in Europe.
 We stayed at a friend's farm house and it was so lovely to be on a farm surrounded by nature and animals around us. We had a very nice time meeting friends and family and also to have Nora interact with them. It was getting cold in Innsbruck as the winter was approaching and we were happy that we were heading to warmer parts of the world.

After almost four months away from Innsbruck, we almost forgot about the racist incidents that happened to us here, until a day when we were walking on the street for an appointment and a person in his late 30s or early 40s on his bike shouted at us something unclear and rode his bike away. We were too familiar with this racist behaviour when we lived in Innsbruck (read our detailed experience here) but we almost forgot about it. As we were no longer living in Innsbruck, this incident made us less upset but a bit sad to see people feeling that someone else just based on their skin colour has something to do with their miseries. Oh well!! It was time for us to move on and say goodbye to Europe. No one can take away our joy unless we give it away ourselves.

Hello Asia, here we come :)
