After staying for a year in Innsbruck it was time for us to say goodbye. We had a lot of mixed feelings about us leaving the place where just a year ago we thought we might live for a very long time. Disconnecting from things that we were attached to emotionally, legally (home contracts, bills etc.,), and physically (our belongings) was a journey by itself for us.
We had to say goodbye to family and friends - people who were close to us and whom we thought we would meet regularly, but in future might meet a few times every few years. We met with as many people as possible so we could to say goodbye to them personally. In the process, we also realised that we made some amazing connections that significantly contributed to all the nice memories we have from our stay in Innsbruck.
All the contractual stuff like the home contracts, bills and other stuff was pretty straight forward.
The big and time consuming process was about giving up stuff. This situation also gave us an opportunity to re-evaluate everything we had and reassess what we really needed in life in comparison to what we had. We decided to cut down our possessions to bare minimum to the things we absolutely needed. This included our furniture, kitchen utensils, clothes, sports equipment, electronics, and other personal stuff that took physical space in our life. We reached out to various avenues to dispose off these things. Regarding furniture, clothes, sports equipment, electronics, and kitchen utensils we reached out to friends and family to see if they could use those things. For the left over stuff we donated them to Kostnix, Wams, and Ho&Ruck. Getting detached from physical stuff was in some areas more challenging than we thought. It was a journey that was both painful and freeing at the same time.
By end of this, we were ready to start our journey with a few backpacks with things we thought were necessary for our near future.
We had to say goodbye to family and friends - people who were close to us and whom we thought we would meet regularly, but in future might meet a few times every few years. We met with as many people as possible so we could to say goodbye to them personally. In the process, we also realised that we made some amazing connections that significantly contributed to all the nice memories we have from our stay in Innsbruck.
All the contractual stuff like the home contracts, bills and other stuff was pretty straight forward.
The big and time consuming process was about giving up stuff. This situation also gave us an opportunity to re-evaluate everything we had and reassess what we really needed in life in comparison to what we had. We decided to cut down our possessions to bare minimum to the things we absolutely needed. This included our furniture, kitchen utensils, clothes, sports equipment, electronics, and other personal stuff that took physical space in our life. We reached out to various avenues to dispose off these things. Regarding furniture, clothes, sports equipment, electronics, and kitchen utensils we reached out to friends and family to see if they could use those things. For the left over stuff we donated them to Kostnix, Wams, and Ho&Ruck. Getting detached from physical stuff was in some areas more challenging than we thought. It was a journey that was both painful and freeing at the same time.
By end of this, we were ready to start our journey with a few backpacks with things we thought were necessary for our near future.
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