Our idea of making a living

Most of our lives, both of us lived with the idea that we get an education at school and/or university and then find a job to make money, and use that money to make a living that is more or less in line with the society we live in. Settling down meant that we eventually bought our own house to live and create a life that is confirmative to the society we lived in. Also the idea was that the centre of life should be work/job/career, and everything else, including relationships, friendships, and vacations were planned in the time that was allowed by the work schedule that we chose. Sam did his masters in Civil Engineering and worked his way up the corporate ladder to be an IT Director of a bank before he quit his job and started traveling. Kathi did her masters in Social work and worked as a social worker/women's counsellor before she quit her job and went to Serbia to study.
After we met, we talked about the concept of making a living and it felt very unfair that we have to build a life around work/career and the freedom of how much time we spent with each other, the time we had for friends and relatives, the time to manage our health and diet, time for exploring the world, and time to pursue other interests and passions depended fully on the free time available from work/career we chose. So we decided to experiment a bit with the idea of making a living and turn around the focus more on our relationship. We decided that we will try and make our relationship the centre of our life, and create a life around it with friends, relatives, passions, work, and everything else that enriched us and our relationship. We spent some time and calculated the finances we need to support ourselves. As we reduced our ongoing expenses significantly by making our own things (bread, soap, sunscreens, etc.,), buying less stuff, reducing stuff that we already had which indirectly reduced the cost to manage/maintain them and freed up quite a bit of time. As our expenses reduced, the amount of money we needed to live also reduced significantly. This also reduced the pressure on us to work and and also how many hours we worked.

In addition to this, we wanted to have access to more work possibilities, work locations, and work hours and the amount of money we made. If we had to stick only to the education we received from university and find work only within that area, our choice of hours of work, choice of location, and type of work would be very restrictive. As we are traveling, growing, and experiencing the world around us, we are feeling passion for new things and we wanted to learn those things and chose to work in those areas as well. So we decided to continue to expand our qualifications so we have more work options to choose from. Sam finished his Yoga Teacher training last year so he could work as a Yoga teacher in addition to his experience in Information Technology and Management. He is also planning to get certified as a Massage therapist soon. Kathi got certified as a running instructor and started her training as a Health and Fitness trainer. We are hoping that this would increase our choices for work that we might decide to do in future.

We are excited to expand our skills and open new windows into this amazing world!!
